
The game: SEO

The Search Engine Optimisation otherwise known as 'SEO' is something required to get your website noticed in the eyes of the public this involves things such as words, titles, links as well as consistency to keep the website updated. We need to use certain words on the interior of the website to appear on the top of the list of searches for things titled 'The Game' as well as having coded the main subject into the link of the website and having linked relevant words to the website. We have to make sure that our website includes reliable information due to the fact that if it is not true to its name it will just be sent to the bottom of the pile of websites nobody wants to use. We need to make sure that our website has a relevant title due to the fact that the search engine will optimise our website due to the fact that the title would be associated with what it has been named, for example if the encoded title of our website was 'The Game' and somebody googled &#

Wix or Weebly

There are benefits to both using the Wix and Weebly website creators, personally i prefer using Wix this is due to the fact that I have found it easier to use in a more productive way, however this is just my opinion and there are benefits for using both websites; both websites have a lot of the same options to create a website and each have very similar mechanics to creating the websites the only real difference that i would compare between Wix and Weebly would be that Weebly has fewer tools available than Wix and also Weebly has a more stripped down style than Wix which makes it more easy to operate but gives less options for you to create your website. Like I had said before i prefer Wix over Weebly and this is due to the fact that it has more options for a creation of a website, but i do understand how people would like to use Weebly due to it's easy creation system and the layout of Weebly is easier to operator which i do prefer over Wix.



The game website

The colours used for our website have been chosen due to our production being a horror this is to have an affect on the viewer of the website and to make sure that it is assured that this is aimed to be a scary movie. the website is too simple for my liking i don't really like it. there is not enough writing to describe the movie and there is also not enough visual information the pages we have are sections about the characters/ cast as well as the crew.we have a contact page but that has not been filled in due to lack of detail


the game thingy

The film starts with 3 friends eating their lunch in the cafeteria. The main character then receives a text from a mysterious number telling them tasks to do. they them talk between themselves about what to do and how they are going to solve the problems placed upon them. the first option for the characters is to choose whether they ignore these tasks and suffer the consequences, do the tasks and obey the rules and don't trigger the instigator of these tasks, their final option for this choice is to tell their parents and possibly put themselvesves and their families in danger. If you choose to tell the characters to tell their parents you then have the option to go to the police office who would launch an investigation and carry on with the story in it's own way. The other option is to just carry on with the story as it would be with the regular story. if you choose to go to the police then your parents will end up being killed by the murderer this once again gives you a

THE GAME: Movie production

Our bracket is 15-20 years of age and will be inspired by the Netflix show 'Black Mirror' Dark Comedy. There will be behind the scenes shots as well as a trailer. social media will be used such as media sharing platform like Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube and more we will also usr social networks like google+ and Facebook

movie websites

Image  The jumanji movie website opens up as if you are loading into a game due to the movie being based around these four people who get sucked into a game. This is good for the websites portrayal due to it being different to many other movie websites being quite boring and bland. As soon as you load into the website a pop up to buy tickets to see the movie comes up this is to influence the people viewing the website to purchase the tickets. The website has a moving background which allows the website to stand out from the rest of the websites that are advertising. There is a detailed description of the characters and their roles on the page to give the audience an outline of who the characters are. This is a fairly basic website due to the fact that it is linked to the universal website which is linked to various other movies than just The darkest hour. this website involves timings of the movie and op


What is an audience? An audience is a individual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text e.g. radio listener, television viewer Why are audiences important? Audiences are important due to the fact if their was no audience then their would be no media, and if t

pulp fiction scene analysis

The movie that I have chosen to write about is Pulp fiction and the scene that I have chosen to write about is the basement scene with actors such as Bruce Willis. The music in this scene is an anempathetic sound which has a very upbeat sound to it even though the scene itself is quite grim, it adds to the effect of the scene by making it quite comical, and it helps get the audience excited for the next moment. the tempo of this piece of music that was used is very fast paced and allows us to believe that something is just around the corner. The music also slows down when a key moment takes place, an example of this is where the protagonist finds his weapon of choice and also kills both of the antagonists. There is no dialogue at the beginning of this scene which actually works really well due to it adding to the atmosphere of the scene and there is only relevant dialogue when the music stops, once again this works in the favour of the scene by adding dramatic feeling to the scene a

photography: last week of the carousel

on Tuesday we went to the photography department and learnt about how to use certain cameras in specific ways. We used a DSLR camera to take photos of things that looked interesting. in this session we learnt about shutter speed and how this effects blur and lighting n a photo -the higher the shutter speed the less blur occurs but less light is effective- we tested this on each other by throwing leaves over each other and seeing what higher and lower shutter speed did

deadline thing

week 3 interview

critically comparing my skills

*****COPY ALL BELOW TO A NEW POST**** Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods 1st. Formulate your question: Look below at what you  are you being asked to evaluate. Unit 1 U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production. Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant. In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do. Answer:to critically compare a range of media products 2nd. Gather your information: What have you been doing that you can evaluate On your blog you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below. Blog link to last week: Answer:

carousel week 2

Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) At the start of Tuesdays lesson we had an introduction to the fashion department to learn where all of the tools and useful things were. We started working on printing images onto fabric with a special printing ink and created little colour samples to get the base idea on how they would appear once successfully printed. We then created our own logo on a piece paper which we had to create as a mirror image then printed onto a piece of cloth. After that we sowed our designs with a sowing machine and then sticking a piece of material to it to get an almost final product, finally we used a thread and needle to highlight certain areas in our piece. List under the following   Research that you carry out in these sessions Skills that you have tried,  Sewing, Printing, Embroidery, Painting Any  processes  and methods you used. the process of painting ink onto some

water gif

First Evaluation of Carousel Week 2 1. Evidence of me taking part:  (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)  U1.1.2 this is a page of different artistic media. I have taken a dead shrimp and created drawings of it in different styles to express different ideas we did this task to give us ideas on creating our story board and to experiment with different mediums 2. Write up your experience of the following... 2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions:  U2.1.1, Now list Primary and Secondary sources U2.2.1 Primary: we got given objects to observe and to look at in an artistic perspective,  Secondary: we had pictures printed for us to look at and trace over 2b Discuss any skills that you have tried:  U2.1.1 2c Discuss any processes  and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc):  U1.1.1 What is your  understanding  of these?: Processes Methods 2d Disc