movie websites

 The jumanji movie website opens up as if you are loading into a game due to the movie being based around these four people who get sucked into a game. This is good for the websites portrayal due to it being different to many other movie websites being quite boring and bland. As soon as you load into the website a pop up to buy tickets to see the movie comes up this is to influence the people viewing the website to purchase the tickets. The website has a moving background which allows the website to stand out from the rest of the websites that are advertising. There is a detailed description of the characters and their roles on the page to give the audience an outline of who the characters are.

This is a fairly basic website due to the fact that it is linked to the universal website which is linked to various other movies than just The darkest hour. this website involves timings of the movie and options to book certain times for the movie and there is also a map of movie theatres in a nearby location to allow the audience to feel welcomed to watching the movie their is a poster of the movie on the main screen to promote the movie. I can use these elements of this page to add ideas towards my own website such as possibly adding a poster to the front page of my website and adding locations of where the move is being shown.

This website is not just for the individual star wars movie that is coming up but is linked for all things star wars this website of course is still prioritising it's most recent and up and coming movies (the last Jedi and Solo) this website shows us ticket offers and also giveaways this website shows pictures of the movie on the home page of the website and the website also allows you to book at your preferred time. this isn't the best website i have ever seen due to the fact that it really has nothing to great and welcoming about it.

This website promotes the movie very well due to the fact that it has a very large photo shown straight away on the home screen of lead actor Hugh Jackman striking a pose for the movie poster, Hugh Jackman is a very well known actor and this is good for advertising purposes due to the fact that he is a name that most people would know and like this makes people then want to see the movie due to the cast being good. There are ratings and reviews of the movie on the home screen which also gives the viewer of the website an interest in watching the movie because if professional critics have said that it is a good movie then this gives the audience an alibi to watching the movie. There are various clips from the movie and creation of the movie on this website which will also help the audience decide whether they'd wish to watch the movie from these clips.


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