Wix or Weebly

There are benefits to both using the Wix and Weebly website creators, personally i prefer using Wix this is due to the fact that I have found it easier to use in a more productive way, however this is just my opinion and there are benefits for using both websites; both websites have a lot of the same options to create a website and each have very similar mechanics to creating the websites the only real difference that i would compare between Wix and Weebly would be that Weebly has fewer tools available than Wix and also Weebly has a more stripped down style than Wix which makes it more easy to operate but gives less options for you to create your website. Like I had said before i prefer Wix over Weebly and this is due to the fact that it has more options for a creation of a website, but i do understand how people would like to use Weebly due to it's easy creation system and the layout of Weebly is easier to operator which i do prefer over Wix.


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