carousel week 2

Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)

At the start of Tuesdays lesson we had an introduction to the fashion department to learn where all of the tools and useful things were. We started working on printing images onto fabric with a special printing ink and created little colour samples to get the base idea on how they would appear once successfully printed. We then created our own logo on a piece paper which we had to create as a mirror image then printed onto a piece of cloth. After that we sowed our designs with a sowing machine and then sticking a piece of material to it to get an almost final product, finally we used a thread and needle to highlight certain areas in our piece.

List under the following 

    1. Research that you carry out in these sessions
    • Skills that you have tried, 
    Sewing, Printing, Embroidery, Painting
    • Any processes 
    • and methods you used.
    the process of painting ink onto some paper and printing it and the method of physically using that paintbrush to paint the ink. Also the process of sowing the thread onto our design

    Any tools that you used.
    Sewing machines, needles, thread, ink, fabric



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