
Showing posts from May, 2018

The game: SEO

The Search Engine Optimisation otherwise known as 'SEO' is something required to get your website noticed in the eyes of the public this involves things such as words, titles, links as well as consistency to keep the website updated. We need to use certain words on the interior of the website to appear on the top of the list of searches for things titled 'The Game' as well as having coded the main subject into the link of the website and having linked relevant words to the website. We have to make sure that our website includes reliable information due to the fact that if it is not true to its name it will just be sent to the bottom of the pile of websites nobody wants to use. We need to make sure that our website has a relevant title due to the fact that the search engine will optimise our website due to the fact that the title would be associated with what it has been named, for example if the encoded title of our website was 'The Game' and somebody googled &#

Wix or Weebly

There are benefits to both using the Wix and Weebly website creators, personally i prefer using Wix this is due to the fact that I have found it easier to use in a more productive way, however this is just my opinion and there are benefits for using both websites; both websites have a lot of the same options to create a website and each have very similar mechanics to creating the websites the only real difference that i would compare between Wix and Weebly would be that Weebly has fewer tools available than Wix and also Weebly has a more stripped down style than Wix which makes it more easy to operate but gives less options for you to create your website. Like I had said before i prefer Wix over Weebly and this is due to the fact that it has more options for a creation of a website, but i do understand how people would like to use Weebly due to it's easy creation system and the layout of Weebly is easier to operator which i do prefer over Wix.