
Showing posts from January, 2018


the game thingy

The film starts with 3 friends eating their lunch in the cafeteria. The main character then receives a text from a mysterious number telling them tasks to do. they them talk between themselves about what to do and how they are going to solve the problems placed upon them. the first option for the characters is to choose whether they ignore these tasks and suffer the consequences, do the tasks and obey the rules and don't trigger the instigator of these tasks, their final option for this choice is to tell their parents and possibly put themselvesves and their families in danger. If you choose to tell the characters to tell their parents you then have the option to go to the police office who would launch an investigation and carry on with the story in it's own way. The other option is to just carry on with the story as it would be with the regular story. if you choose to go to the police then your parents will end up being killed by the murderer this once again gives you a

THE GAME: Movie production

Our bracket is 15-20 years of age and will be inspired by the Netflix show 'Black Mirror' Dark Comedy. There will be behind the scenes shots as well as a trailer. social media will be used such as media sharing platform like Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube and more we will also usr social networks like google+ and Facebook

movie websites

Image  The jumanji movie website opens up as if you are loading into a game due to the movie being based around these four people who get sucked into a game. This is good for the websites portrayal due to it being different to many other movie websites being quite boring and bland. As soon as you load into the website a pop up to buy tickets to see the movie comes up this is to influence the people viewing the website to purchase the tickets. The website has a moving background which allows the website to stand out from the rest of the websites that are advertising. There is a detailed description of the characters and their roles on the page to give the audience an outline of who the characters are. This is a fairly basic website due to the fact that it is linked to the universal website which is linked to various other movies than just The darkest hour. this website involves timings of the movie and op