
Showing posts from October, 2017

pulp fiction scene analysis

The movie that I have chosen to write about is Pulp fiction and the scene that I have chosen to write about is the basement scene with actors such as Bruce Willis. The music in this scene is an anempathetic sound which has a very upbeat sound to it even though the scene itself is quite grim, it adds to the effect of the scene by making it quite comical, and it helps get the audience excited for the next moment. the tempo of this piece of music that was used is very fast paced and allows us to believe that something is just around the corner. The music also slows down when a key moment takes place, an example of this is where the protagonist finds his weapon of choice and also kills both of the antagonists. There is no dialogue at the beginning of this scene which actually works really well due to it adding to the atmosphere of the scene and there is only relevant dialogue when the music stops, once again this works in the favour of the scene by adding dramatic feeling to the scene a

photography: last week of the carousel

on Tuesday we went to the photography department and learnt about how to use certain cameras in specific ways. We used a DSLR camera to take photos of things that looked interesting. in this session we learnt about shutter speed and how this effects blur and lighting n a photo -the higher the shutter speed the less blur occurs but less light is effective- we tested this on each other by throwing leaves over each other and seeing what higher and lower shutter speed did

deadline thing

week 3 interview